Verizon Defends Wireless Exemption in Net Neutrality Plan

Verizon defended the current net neutrality proposal of the company with Google. Verizon would like the Government interference over the issue.
This is a good effort by the company to put the policy at the right place. Tom Tauke is the executive Vice President of the Company who handles public affairs gave the statement at the Annual Aspen Forum organized by the Institute of technical policy that we need to resolve the issue as soon as it could be possible.
To preserve the web openness, Google and Verizon put a new policy proposal. But this policy does not include the net neutrality regulations and additional benefits. The plan was proposed for the wireless industry. It is necessary for the broadband providers to work over the issue. The policy should be adopted by congress member or FCC to go in effect.
The proposal was also criticized by consumer groups. Tom Tauke said that first time in his career he is facing this type of issue which is quite strange. Some have also dismissed the issue of net neutrality regulations to find the solution. This is an important issue that describes the role of government for the ecosystem of the broadband. Till the issue does not resolve it is mystery whether company will be able to maintain a healthy climate or not.
The plan is also a barrier for wireless industry. The plans demand elimination of ISPs from some areas to improve the performance of network. According to Tom Tauke there is not even a single instance where the application can be blocked by wireless carrier. Yet the application is blocked by Google, Microsoft and RIM operating systems. As a result it is required to delete some applications remotely. So it is quite difficult to handle this issue soon.
Tauke said it is also necessary for the wireless company to know the additional benefits of policy. A number of people can make communication through a single network at a given time. The proposal is rational and also addresses the issue about transparency over the Internet. This policy will mark an end over free and open Internet. This is quite an interesting issue that has both pros and cons. We have to wait for some time to reach at the final result. Most of the people want to know the answer of the problem when it is going to be resolved. But it is a mystery for everyone when the issue will get resolved.

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